Today we visited with our host, Stathis, and he said that the airport is something of a local attraction and he showed us a video of people watching planes take off, and the people get blasted by the airplane blast. So, after finding our white chocolate ice cream, we walked to the airport and took pictures of the signs. I had googled the airport several weeks ago, as it is one of the most narrow and shortest runways of any airport. We intend to fly out of here on our last day to go to Athens, so please think positive thoughts about that. The old port at night, so cheerful with the bright lights!- Mona
This town is so beautiful in the day and at night. I love the lights reflecting on the water the picture almost looks like a painting. I am a little bit scared about taking a plane from here but it will be interesting. Today we finally got to play soccer and basketball at the high school court, we climbed over the fence and thankfully didn´t get into any trouble. A local high school kid reassured us that it was okay to climb the fence and his name was Alex. Yay! -Angelina