Yesterday, December 4, 2018 we walked to the Roman Colosseum and back from our apartment, 5.8 miles total. The arch and the Colosseum are phenomenal, and I can imagine what it would have felt like to be in the audience while human throes was taking place. The gladiators were housed in a building set apart from the Colosseum and arrived through an underground tunnel, as did the rulers. We saw the subterranean lower levels where the animals, props, sets, equipment, machinery, and storage for the games from above. There is a museum in the Colosseum that has much information and is nicely done and also a bookstore and gift shops. We were occupied with touring the structure itself and observing the colors in the fading sunlight. This is my second visit to this spectacular place, and I could come back again and again. It is a must see when in Rome!-Mona
Yesterday was delightful. I absolutely loved seeing the largest amphitheater ever built. The Colosseum is 1,948 years old and it is still standing! This was a really cool place to see and so gigantic. It´s easy to imagine people (such as gladiators) competing in this monumental stadium with animals of all sorts. I am sad to hear that they fought animals. It is quite beautiful and people are doing a great job to keep it in shape! -Angelina
Built of travertine, tuff, and brick-faced concrete, it is the largest amphitheater ever built. The Colosseum is situated just east of the Roman Forum.