We attend HUMC on Sundays in Denver, CO. Yesterday we visited three catholic cathedrals in Old Quito and were quite impressed with the elaborate details of each one. The picture on the bottom left is of two Angelinas and one cute shiba inu. We already miss our doggie, and hope he is having as much fun as we are! It´s all good!
Church on Sunday?
Updated: Apr 17, 2020
I enjoyed all of your photos today! I am tired after a full day of fun with Ellie. We played chicken foot domino game, made strawberry jam, swam at the pool for 2 hours, had lunch, visited Mother, Zofia and Dad and I went to see the doctor. Whew! Luckily, I only need to stop doing a certain exercise that kinda pulled a muscle or tendon in my right hip area. Also will visit a CMT next month who has been recommended to me. Valarie came after work and Chuck cooked us his fabulous rock cod dinner. It's been a lovely day. Tomorrow I go back to work after 9 days off and I am looking forward to it. I…